Songs for the People

The Cornwall Chronicle Saturday 5 September 1857

Air—' Susannah don't you cry.'

We oft hear songs for pleasure sung,
And some for reveel-ree—e—e    
And who ain't heard Susannah ask'd
Not to cry for me—e—e,    

'Tis time that something fresh was done,
For life and jollitee—e—e—e.        
So Patterson his harp has strung
To don't you cry for me—e— e.

Oh, Poor Quashy Cuff and Sambo—e—e
I soon a fortune shall have made
Out of the draperie—e—e,  

My prices low attract, How Fast,
Both cash and custom—ree—e ;  
And Sniggins well may stand aghast
My splendid trade to see-e.

Oh, Poor Quashy, &c.

But still I mean to push the game,
And with civilitee—e—e
My prices low and goods the same
Will bring me trade—ree—e—e.

Oh, Poor Quashy, &c.

And when my Fortune large is made
And I'm retired you see—e—e!!!      
Both Sniggins, Quash, and Cuffy too,
You well may cry for me—e—e.  

Oh, Poor Cuffee, Quash, and Sambo—e—e, &c.

Now all you Gals and Mammas too !
At ball, or rout, or tea—e—e—e    
Or Phil or Sacred Harmonies,
(Whene'er you on to sing are called)
Let this your burden be—e—e  

Oh, Poor Quashy, Cuff, and Sambo—e—e  
Patterson's fortune's nearly made


This seems to be another Cuffay lampoon ... Cuffay was a tailor hence the repeated reference to Drapery, he was black and this parody with it's allusions to Sambo suggests that. Sniggins is a slang word for tea time.

Cuffay was admired in both England and Tasmania as a forceful and entertaining speaker and also as a singer of comic and glee songs.